Go, make it happen!

If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives.
~ Lemony Snicket Quote
The Ersatz Elevator Book

It is easy to plan and decide things, to imagine what it will take to accomplish a goal or set task, or even to believe that one has accomplished a feat and is enjoying the rewards of accomplishment. Well, the feeling is excellent, but the actual starting of any task is often the most challenging step of them all.

When asked if we are ready and we acknowledge "yes," we often get that feeling in our stomachs that make us fear and doubt what we just said. But the truth is, we cannot say we are ready unless taking steps and start.

Most life-changing situations often lead us to self-doubt and sometimes procrastination till we get scared. But you cannot just sit around watching and waiting for the ideal moment. You need to start and create the perfect moment rather than wait for it. There is a genius in action if you can take that first step.

So, what is that dream of yours that you have pushed aside countless times out of fear and self-doubt? Do you want to write a book, start a blog, find your purpose, or what? Remember Lemony Snicket's words: If we wait until we are ready, we will be waiting for the rest of our lives.

You will never be sure of what is to come because the future is full of repeated possibilities. It is up to you how you handle it and what you make of it. We are mostly not aware of what the future holds, but we get to grab opportunities because we are ready in our minds to take action steps no matter how small. You need to take a step in the direction of your dream.

The best way to succeed is to go and do it. I am responsible for my success as much as you are responsible for yours. And guess what, you are the only person that can make it happen. So, do not hesitate to start today, go on and get it done. Go, make it happen!

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